End of Round (EOR) Screen

The End of Round screen will appear at the end of a round (all the heats for a round have been completed).

End of Round Screen

Positions Print

EOR Positions

This will produce a list of drivers sorted by their results.

By selecting this drivers will be sorted using their best laps and time. For information about the Multiple FTD button see the Misc Section

RbyR / Points
Selecting this option will sort drivers by allocating them points for each round and then using a selected number of rounds to work out points.

Rounds to be used
Either all rounds can be selected or a selected number of rounds can be used.

Print Drivers with no scores
By selecting this option all drivers will be printed, if unselected then only drivers that have counted at least one lap will be printed.


Print Start Order

The start order for the next round will be the order that the cars in each heat will start. This will only be useful for those that use a statistic stagger start where the computer reads out the car numbers to start.


Next Round

By clicking on this the next round will be started, a message will be displayed to confirm.


Enter Finals

Using the “Enter Finals” button will bring up the screens to sort the finals, and should only be used once all the qualifying rounds are finished. This procedure is identical to the sort method for the tables.


Main Screen

By pressing this button the EOR screen will disappear and the main screen will be shown, this is useful when changes have to be made to results and other details before the finals or the next round. To return to the EOR screen click on the “Race” button in the main screen.