
Timing Products



RC Car Racing

Getting Started with RC Cars

Whether you call RC car racing a sport or hobby its great fun. There are several guides on the internet about RC Cars so there's no point in repeating all the details here. A good guide is located at http://www.gettingstartedinrc.com and our links page has other useful sites.

Some of the best advice to get started is visit your local hobby shop and track/club to see what people are using/racing. If you want to race your car then make sure the local track/club races the class of car your going to buy.

Buying the right equipment in the first place will save you money, so doing some research will be worth your time. RC Car magazines are available in most countries, they show the types of equipment available, have tips and reviews of the latest stuff. A lot of people say that RC cars and equipment are expensive but in reality its as expensive as you want to make it, when getting started a quicker car often means you will crash faster !